FW: January 18 Fellowship deadline coming up soon!
From: Kinsey I=
nstitute News
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:26 PM
To: Foote, Carrie Elizabeth
Subject: January 18 Fellowship deadline coming up soon!
The John Money Fellowship for Scholars of Sexolo=
The fellowship is intended to support graduate students =
whose scholarly work would benefit from the use of library and archival mat=
erials at The Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.
Applications are encouraged from all students enrolled i=
n a graduate program in the United States with research interests in anthro=
pology, biology, psychology, sociology, history, politics,
and methodology of sexology and sexuality studies.
In addition to conducting his or her own research, the f=
ellow is expected to make a contribution to the organization, preservation,=
and/or accessibility of The Kinsey Institute collections.
Examples include, but are not limited to, the creation of annotated biblio=
graphies, collection guides, finding aids, and digital presentations or med=
ia productions which highlight or showcase The Kinsey Institute collections=
pplication deadline: January 18, 2013.
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The mission of The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Ge=
nder, and Reproduction is to advance sexual health and knowledge worldwide.=
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p for better understanding of human sexuality.
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Kinsey Institute® 2012. | 313 Morrison Hall =
| Indiana University | 1165 E. Third St., Bloomington, IN 47405 =
The Kinsey Institute for Research in Se=
x, Gender and Reproduction is a research institute of the
Office of the Vice Provost for Research at Indiana University Bloomington
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