Archive by Author

SAN Luncheon Invite for NYC – August 12

Hello SAN Colleagues=


I hope many of you plan to attend the summer conferences this summe=
r as we are planning an exciting event! 
My name is Naima Mohame=
d, a new member to SAN but much longer member of ASA. I am working with Sam=
Friedman, Director of HIV/AIDS Research at NDRI, on planning a SAN-communi=
ty discussion meeting in NYC for August
12, 2013.


We are =
planning an informal meeting to network with community guests and SAN membe=
rs on current challenges we all face during the continuing economic crisis.=
  Lunch will be provided!!


ible Luncheon Themes


How can=
we help each other within the economic chaos: What should we be doing? Or,=
how will we address HIV/AIDS within an environment of economic and ecologi=
cal government instability? 

Date and Location:


August 12, 2013 between 12-2 p.m. NDRI (National Development and Research =
Institute) 23
rd and
th Ave. (Only a 15-20 minute walk or 5 minute trai=
n ride from the meeting areas in NYC).

Possible Community Guests:


HIV Prevention Justice Alliance; Harm Reducti=
on Coalition; Latino Commission on AIDS; GMAC; National Development and Res=
earch Institutes; and NYC Department of
Health.  Please do suggest other community folks whom we may have ove=
rlooked as possible community guests to include.


We woul=
d love to have many SAN members come, from the veteran HIV researchers to t=
hose of you just embarking on your graduate studies and interested in pursu=
ing research in the HIV/AIDS arena,
and the bulk of us in the middle! 


You =
are invited:


We have=
set up a doodle invite/request.  Sam and I would like to get an unoff=
icial headcount by June 20

so we can plan better.  Please provide your availability using the fo=
llowing link:



I look forward to meeting many of you at the meetings this summer a=
nd hope you can join the luncheon.


Warm wishes,


Naima M=


Chair o=
f the Social Science Department at The College of New Rochelle, School of N=
ew Resources–Brooklyn Campus

This message (including my attachments) contains confidential information i=
ntended for a specific individual and purpose and is protected by law. If y=
ou are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message and be aw=
are that any disclosure, copying
or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, =
is strictly prohibited.

AIDS in New York: The First Five Years

For those of you going to NYC this summer for the co=
nferences….this looks like a good temporary exhibit at the NY Histori=
cal society…runs through Sept. 15th



Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


Fact sheet: Impact of Sequestration on the National Institutes of

For Immediate Release: M=
onday, June 3, 2013

sheet: Impact of Sequestration on the National Institutes of Health


The Nationa=
l Institutes of Health is the nation’s medical research agency and the leading
supporter of biomedical research in the world. NIH’s mission is t=
o seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior
of living systems and apply that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen lif=
e, and reduce the burdens of illness and disability. Due in large measure t=
o NIH research,
a person born in the United States today can expect to live nearly 30 year=
s longer than someone born in 1900.


More than 80 percent of the NIH’s budget goes
to over 300,000 research personnel at more than 2,500 universities and res=
earch institutions throughout the United States. In addition, about 6,000 s=
cientists work in NIH’s own Intramural Research laboratories, most of=
which are on the NIH main campus in Bethesda,
Md. The main campus is also home to the NIH Clinical Cen=
ter, the largest hospital in the world totally dedicated to clinical re=



On March 1, 2013, as req=
uired by statute, President Obama signed an order initiating sequestration.=
The sequestration requires NIH to cut 5 percent or $1.55 billion of its fi=
scal year (FY) 2013 budget. NIH must
apply the cut evenly across all programs, projects, and activities (PPAs),=
which are primarily NIH institutes and centers. This means every area of m=
edical research will be affected.


FY2013 operating plans:

NIH FY2013 Operating Plan

NIH FY2013 Operating Plan Mechani=
sm Table

NIH Guide Notice: Fi=
scal Policy for Grant Awards FY2013

NIH Institutes and Centers =
FY2013 Funding Strategies


The =
estimated numbers:

(FY 2013 figures compare=
d to FY 2012)

While much of these decr=
eases are due to sequester, NIH funding is always a dynamic situation with =
multiple drivers:

ximately 700 fewer competitive research project grants issuedApproximately750 fewer new patients admitted to the NIH Cl=
inical CenterNo increase in stipends for National Research Service Award recipients
in FY2013


The =

in medical progress:

al breakthroughs do not happen overnight. In almost all instances, breakthr=
ough discoveries result from years of incremental research to understand ho=
w disease starts and progresses.Even after t=
he cause and potential drug target of a disease is discovered, it takes on =
average 13 years and $1 billion to develop a treatment for that target.Therefore, cuts to research are delaying progres=
s in medical breakthroughs, including:

opment of better cancer drugs that zero in on a tumor with fewer side effec=
tsresearch on a universal flu vaccine that c=
ould fight every strain of influenza without needing a yearly shot.prevention of debilitating chronic conditions that a=
re costly to society and delay development of more effective treatments for=
common and rare diseases affecting millions of Americans.

Risk =
to scientific workforce:

NIH d=
rives job creation and economic growth. NIH research funding directly suppo=
rts hundreds of thousands of American jobs and serves as a foundation for t=
he medical innovation sector, which
employs 1 million U.S. citizens. Cuts to NIH funding will have an economic=
impact in communities throughout the U.S. For every six applications submi=
tted to the NIH, only one will be funded. Sequestration is reducing the ove=
rall funding available for grants.&nb=
the history of NIH funding success rates.


uently asked questions:


How many fewer grants=
will be awarded?

Approximately 700 fewer research project grants compared to FY 2012.


Have the institutes a=
nd centers announced their adjusted paylines based on these cuts?

The adjusted NIH Institute and Center (IC) paylines and funding strategies =
can be found here:


What percent cut will=
be made to existing grants?

Reductions to noncompeting research project grants (RPG) vary depending on =
the circumstances of the particular IC. The NIH-wide average is -4.7 percen=


Will the duration of =
existing grants be shortened to accommodate the cuts?

In general, no.


Will all grants recei=
ve the same percentage cut or will some grants be cut more than others?

Institutes and centers have flexibility to accommodate the new budget level=
in a fashion that allows them to meet their scientific and strategic goals=
. As noted above, there are different percentages for different ICs, and in=
some cases for different mechanisms
within an IC (RPGs, Centers, etc.). In addition, there may be reductions t=
o grants for reasons other than sequestration, as is the case every year.


Will certain areas of=
science that are at a critical juncture be affected by these cuts? 

All areas of science are expected to be affected.


Will some areas of sc=
ience be affected more than others?

The sequester does not stipulate the precise reduction to each scientific a=
rea. However, it is likely that most scientific areas will be reduced by ab=
out 5 percent because the sequester is being applied broadly at the NIH ins=
titute and center level.


What will be the impa=
ct of these cuts to NIH’s intramural research at its Bethesda campus =
and off-campus facilities?

The impact on NIH’s intramural research is substantial, especially be=
cause it applies retroactively to spending since Oct. 1, 2012. That can dou=
ble the effect — a full year’s cut has to be absorbed in less t=
han half a year.


Will NIH be furloughi=
ng or cutting employees at its NIH campus and off-campus facilities?

There are no current plans to do so. At present, HHS is pursuing non-furlou=
gh administrative cost savings such as delayed/forgone hiring and reducing =
administrative services contracts so that furloughs and layoffs can be avoi=
ded. Additionally, employee salaries
at NIH make up a very small percentage (only 7 percent) of the NIH budget.=


How will current pati=
ents at the NIH Clinical Center be affected?

Services to patients will not be reduced.


Will the NIH Clinical=
Center see fewer patients because of the cuts?

Approximately 750 fewer new patients will be admitted to the NIH Clinical C=
enter hospital in 2013 or a decrease from 10,695 new patients in 2012 to ap=
proximately 9,945 new patients in 2013. While much of this decrease is due =
to funding, clinical activity is
always a dynamic situation with multiple drivers.


Will the sequester cu=
t need to be applied to the FY 2014 budget?

The President’s FY 2014 Budget would replace sequestration and reduce=
the deficit in a balanced way. The President is ready to work with Congres=
s to further reduce deficits while continuing to make critical investments.=


About the National In=
stitutes of Health (NIH):

NIH, the nation’s medica=
l research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of=
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary feder=
al agency conducting and supporting
basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating =
the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For mo=
re information about NIH and its programs, visit

NIH…Turning Discove=
ry Into Health®

Reminder: SAN Award Deadlines Extended to June 7th

Reminder: Deadline is =
this Friday for the SAN Awards.  — CF


From: Foote, C=
arrie Elizabeth

Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:24 PM
Subject: SAN Award Deadlines Extended to June 7th


Dear SAN Colleagues, t=
here is still time to apply for the Student SAN Awards as well as nominate =
a member for the SAN Career Award.  We have extended the deadline to J=
une 7th!    Information about
the awards follows below.  Best, CF


From: Foote, C=
arrie Elizabeth

Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:09 PM

Subject: 2013 SAN Competition Awards – Please advertise widely.=


Dear San Colleagues, the Call for the SAN 2013 Award=
s are now open (Deadline for all is May 24).  Please see below for det=
ails  and distribute widely.  The announcement will also appear i=
n the February Issue of Footnotes and in the Winter/Spring
SAN Newsletter.  — CF





Career Contributions to t=
he Sociology of HIV/AIDS Award

This Sociologists of AI=
DS Network (SAN) award honors outstanding contributions to the Sociology of=
HIV/AIDS. The award recognizes work that has significantly
advanced our understanding of social aspects of the pandemic, or that has =
contributed to prevention, treatment, or policy interventions. Nominees sho=
uld have pursued substantial research and/or applied work related to HIV/AI=
DS, and should have worked in the
field for at least ten years, normally longer. Nominations (of yourself or=
others) should include a statement of one-two pages about the nominee&#821=
7;s qualifications and an electronic copy or web link to her/his CV. Schola=
rs who were nominated in the previous
round will automatically be re-considered, but nominators should feel free=
to submit additional materials.  The winner will be notified in early=
August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announced at the SAN Bu=
siness Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.


Submissions will be rev=
iewed by Dr. Judy Auerbach (2008 SAN Career Award Winner), Dr. Bronwen Lich=
tenstein (2009 SAN Career Award Winner) and Dr. Matt Mutchler. 
Nominations (and questions) should be submitted to the committee chair, Ju=
dy Auerbach, at:  by
June 7
, 2013.




2013 Martin Levine Studen=
t PAPER Competition

The Sociologist AIDS Ne=
twork (SAN) invites students to submit an original, 20-30 page (double-spac=
ed) paper on the social dimensions of HIV/AIDS for the annual
student paper competition.  The topic is broadly defined and can incl=
ude any aspect of HIV/AIDS from a sociological perspective.  The stude=
nt must be the first author and must have written most, if not all, of the =
manuscript.  The winner will be notified in
early August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announced at the =
SAN Business Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.  The winner will receive an=
award of $100 and a five-year membership to SAN.  Submissions will be=
reviewed by Dr. Lynn Gazley (Paper Committee
Chair), Daniel Grace (2012 paper award winner), and Dr. Ami Moore.  P=
apers should be submitted by e-mail to Dr. Lynn Gazley, at: &nb=
sp; by
June 7
, 2013.




2013 SAN Scholarly Activi=
ty Award

The Sociologist AIDS Network (SAN) Scholarly Activity=
Award aims to nurture scholarly interest in the sociology of HIV/AIDS by s=
upporting the work of emerging scholars in the field.  One-two
applicants will be chosen each year to receive a one-time award of up to $=
250 and a year of free membership in SAN.  Any graduate student workin=
g on topics in the sociology of HIV/AIDS are eligible to apply.  Suppo=
rtable activities include, but are not limited
to: 1) Research expenses such as providing incentives to research subjects=
, transcribing interviews, or copying archival materials; Travel to confere=
nces to present original research.


Applications should include:

– A complete budget for your conference travel, resea=
rch project, or other scholarly activity. 

– A project proposal of 2-4 pages, including:

– Description of the research project to be completed=
or presented.

– Contribution of your scholarly activity to the Soci=
ology of AIDS.

– Description of how funds will be used and when the =
activity will be completed.

– One letter of recommendation from your thesis/disse=
rtation chair or faculty advisor.


The winner(s) will be n=
otified in early August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announc=
ed at the SAN Business Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.


Submissions will be rev=
iewed by Ben Drury (Scholarly Award Committee Chair), Dr. Jorge Fontdevila,=
and Dr. Laura Bisaillon.  Nominations (and questions) should
be submitted to the committee chair, Ben Drury, at: by June 7, 2013.=




Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


New FOAs Support HIV Prevention Packages

New FOAs Support HIV Prevention Packages

HIV researchers, your interest may be piqued by tw=
o new funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) supported in
part by NIAID: Methodologies and Formative Work for Combination HIV Preven=
tion Approaches, which uses the R01 activity code, and a companion FOA that=
uses the R21 activity code.

Why is combination prevention needed for HIV?&nbsp=
; More than three decades into the global HIV pandemic, it is clear
that  no single intervention for prevention currently available is ca=
pable of bringing it under control.

But there is growing recognition among researchers=
that using a combination of biomedical, behavioral, and structural
interventions—grouped into “prevention packages"—st=
ands a much better chance at reaching at-risk populations and ultimately re=
ducing HIV transmission.

However, the scientific and logistical complexity =
involved in developing, testing, and implementing  these combined
intervention approaches presents a considerable challenge.

To help address this complexity, NIAID is particip=
ating in these two FOAs, which take a step back from the whole
prevention package approach and allow smaller teams to work on different c=
omponents of the packages.

These components include:

Identifying indicators that can be used to assess exposure =
to prevention interventions.

Enhancing the understanding and use of existing datasets.

Advancing intervention development, testing, and implementa=

These FOAs complement the 2008 and 2010 Methods fo=
r Prevention Packages Program I and II FOAs initiated by NIAID
in collaboration with NIMH
, which promoted forming multidiscipl=
inary teams to develop combination research strategies for HIV prevention i=
n key populations and settings.

Read more about the current opportunities:

and Formative Work for Combination HIV Prevention Approaches

Methodologies and Formative Wor=
k for Combination HIV Prevention Approaches (R21)

Optional letters of intent are due August 3, 2013.=
Applications are due September 3, 2013. If you have questions,
contact Dr. David Burns in the NIAID=
Division of AIDS Prevention Science Program.


Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


SAN Award Deadlines Extended to June 7th

Dear SAN Colleagues, t=
here is still time to apply for the Student SAN Awards as well as nominate =
a member for the SAN Career Award.  We have extended the deadline to J=
une 7th!    Information about
the awards follows below.  Best, CF


From: Foote, C=
arrie Elizabeth

Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:09 PM

Subject: 2013 SAN Competition Awards – Please advertise widely.=


Dear San Colleagues, the Call for the SAN 2013 Award=
s are now open (Deadline for all is May 24).  Please see below for det=
ails  and distribute widely.  The announcement will also appear i=
n the February Issue of Footnotes and in the Winter/Spring
SAN Newsletter.  — CF





Career Contributions to t=
he Sociology of HIV/AIDS Award

This Sociologists of AI=
DS Network (SAN) award honors outstanding contributions to the Sociology of=
HIV/AIDS. The award recognizes work that has significantly
advanced our understanding of social aspects of the pandemic, or that has =
contributed to prevention, treatment, or policy interventions. Nominees sho=
uld have pursued substantial research and/or applied work related to HIV/AI=
DS, and should have worked in the
field for at least ten years, normally longer. Nominations (of yourself or=
others) should include a statement of one-two pages about the nominee&#821=
7;s qualifications and an electronic copy or web link to her/his CV. Schola=
rs who were nominated in the previous
round will automatically be re-considered, but nominators should feel free=
to submit additional materials.  The winner will be notified in early=
August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announced at the SAN Bu=
siness Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.


Submissions will be rev=
iewed by Dr. Judy Auerbach (2008 SAN Career Award Winner), Dr. Bronwen Lich=
tenstein (2009 SAN Career Award Winner) and Dr. Matt Mutchler. 
Nominations (and questions) should be submitted to the committee chair, Ju=
dy Auerbach, at:  by
June 7
, 2013.




2013 Martin Levine Studen=
t PAPER Competition

The Sociologist AIDS Ne=
twork (SAN) invites students to submit an original, 20-30 page (double-spac=
ed) paper on the social dimensions of HIV/AIDS for the annual
student paper competition.  The topic is broadly defined and can incl=
ude any aspect of HIV/AIDS from a sociological perspective.  The stude=
nt must be the first author and must have written most, if not all, of the =
manuscript.  The winner will be notified in
early August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announced at the =
SAN Business Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.  The winner will receive an=
award of $100 and a five-year membership to SAN.  Submissions will be=
reviewed by Dr. Lynn Gazley (Paper Committee
Chair), Daniel Grace (2012 paper award winner), and Dr. Ami Moore.  P=
apers should be submitted by e-mail to Dr. Lynn Gazley, at: &nb=
sp; by
June 7
, 2013.




2013 SAN Scholarly Activi=
ty Award

The Sociologist AIDS Network (SAN) Scholarly Activity=
Award aims to nurture scholarly interest in the sociology of HIV/AIDS by s=
upporting the work of emerging scholars in the field.  One-two
applicants will be chosen each year to receive a one-time award of up to $=
250 and a year of free membership in SAN.  Any graduate student workin=
g on topics in the sociology of HIV/AIDS are eligible to apply.  Suppo=
rtable activities include, but are not limited
to: 1) Research expenses such as providing incentives to research subjects=
, transcribing interviews, or copying archival materials; Travel to confere=
nces to present original research.


Applications should include:

– A complete budget for your conference travel, resea=
rch project, or other scholarly activity. 

– A project proposal of 2-4 pages, including:

– Description of the research project to be completed=
or presented.

– Contribution of your scholarly activity to the Soci=
ology of AIDS.

– Description of how funds will be used and when the =
activity will be completed.

– One letter of recommendation from your thesis/disse=
rtation chair or faculty advisor.


The winner(s) will be n=
otified in early August prior to the annual ASA meeting and will be announc=
ed at the SAN Business Meeting and in ASA Footnotes.


Submissions will be rev=
iewed by Ben Drury (Scholarly Award Committee Chair), Dr. Jorge Fontdevila,=
and Dr. Laura Bisaillon.  Nominations (and questions) should
be submitted to the committee chair, Ben Drury, at: by June 7, 2013.=




Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


RE: Secret Shoppers Assessment in HIV — or more appropriately –

Dear Colleagues, One S=
AN member had some feedback and used the term Mystery Client which she has =
seen used in some studies in other similar contexts.   Just that =
suggestion alone was very helpful as I think it
is more appropriate than the consumer model of “secret shoppers&#822=
1;    Look forward to hearing more ideas, resources, and alt=
ernative ideas.  Just wanted to share this idea as it may generate mor=
e thoughts.  Thanks!!! — CF


From: Foote, C=
arrie Elizabeth

Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 10:25 PM
Subject: Secret Shoppers Assessment in HIV


HI, does anyone know of any literature assessing the=
experience of using “secret shopper” techniques to assess HIV =
related programing – whether testing or case management service provi=
sion?   I have a  local inquiry about using such assessment
techniques in the HIV arena (to assess the work of state funded ASOs) and =
my gut reaction is that it is a very bad idea.   But before I sha=
re my general reservations and concerns with these folks, I was wondering i=
f anyone knows of any literature on this topic
that is specific to HIV care services.  As I would also like to see i=
f the literature supports my concerns as well as share as any Pros for usin=
g such techniques.


As an idea of the type of article/resources I am loo=
king for, here is one that talks about using Secret Shopper assessments in =
Medical settings.


I am looking for even more specific experiences &#82=
11; pros and cons of using such in HIV related settings, such as Prevention=
and/or Supportive Care services (e.g., HIV Case Management).   A=
ny suggestions on where to look for HIV specific secret
shopper examples would be helpful. Thanks! — CF



Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


Secret Shoppers Assessment in HIV

HI, does anyone know of any literature assessing the=
experience of using “secret shopper” techniques to assess HIV =
related programing – whether testing or case management service provi=
sion?   I have a  local inquiry about using such assessment
techniques in the HIV arena (to assess the work of state funded ASOs) and =
my gut reaction is that it is a very bad idea.   But before I sha=
re my general reservations and concerns with these folks, I was wondering i=
f anyone knows of any literature on this topic
that is specific to HIV care services.  As I would also like to see i=
f the literature supports my concerns as well as share as any Pros for usin=
g such techniques.


As an idea of the type of article/resources I am loo=
king for, here is one that talks about using Secret Shopper assessments in =
Medical settings.


I am looking for even more specific experiences &#82=
11; pros and cons of using such in HIV related settings, such as Prevention=
and/or Supportive Care services (e.g., HIV Case Management).   A=
ny suggestions on where to look for HIV specific secret
shopper examples would be helpful. Thanks! — CF



Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454


FW: Keep Calm and Commit Sociology

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Nothing related to AIDS, but thought I would share with SAN. Cool Sociology=
Buttons 🙂

A Call to ‘Commit Sociology’
May 2, 2013 – 3:00am
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently annoyed academics in his co=
untry by suggesting that only a law-and-order approa=
ch was needed to fight terrorism, and that people should not “commit sociol=
ogy.” In response, “Worldviews 2013: Global Trends in Media and Higher Educ=
ation,” a conference organized by academic and journalism organizations (of=
which Inside Higher Ed is a co-sponsor), has invited attendees (in a spoof=
of Britain’s wartime slogan) to “Keep Calm and Commit Sociology.” Details =
on the conference and buttons with the new slogan are available here.
Read more:
Inside Higher Ed

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Nothing related to AID=
S, but thought I would share with SAN. Cool Sociology Buttons


A Call to ‘Commit Sociology’

May 2, 2013 – 3:00am

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper

recently annoyed academi=
cs in his country
by suggesting that only a law-and-order approa=
ch was needed to fight terrorism, and that people should not "commit s=
ociology." In response, "Worldviews 2013:
Global Trends in Media and Higher Education," a conference organized =
by academic and journalism organizations (of which
Inside Higher Ed is a co-sponsor), has invited attendees (in a spoof=
of Britain’s wartime slogan) to "Keep Calm and Commit Sociology.&quot=
; Details on the conference and buttons with the new slogan are available


Read more:

Inside Higher Ed


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AIDS and Behavior, Vol. 17, Issue 4 – New Issue Alert – Editorial

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Very nice Editorial in AIDS and Behavior on Rob Malow.

Robert M. Malow 1953-2013

Seth C. Kalichman & Jessy G. D=E9vieux

-16-652660-0]Full text HTML [http://www.springer=
.com/cda/content/image/cda_displayimage.jpg?SGWID=3D0-0-16-652661-0] Full t=
ext PDF

Robert M. Malow 1953-2013
Seth C. Kalichman1 and Jessy G. D=E9vieux2 (1) Universit=
y of Connecticut, Storrs-Mansfield, CT, USA (2)
Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
Published online: 6 April 2013

AIDS behavioral scientists have lost a valued researcher and colleague. Rob=
Malow passed away on February 18, 2013 after battling a rare and aggressiv=
e cancer. Rob was a frequent contributor to AIDS and Behavior and served on=
our Editorial Board since 2003. Rob’s first paper published in AIDS and Be=
havior appeared in 2000 with Robert McMahon and their student Terri Jenning=
s titled “Personality, stress, and social support in HIV risk prediction” [=
4(4):399-410]. Rob’s most recent paper in the journal is “Depression, Subst=
ance Abuse and Other Contextual Predictors of Adherence to Antiretroviral T=
herapy (ART) Among Haitians” [published online Jan 22, 2013]. Two other rec=
ent papers in the AIDS and Behavior speak to the breadth of his work, “Neur=
ological function, information-motivation-behavioral skills factors, and ri=
sk behaviors among HIV-positive alcohol users.” [2012 Nov;16(8):2297-308]; =
and “Cognitive behavioral HIV risk reduction in those receiving psychiatric=
treatment: a clinical trial” [2012 Jul;16(5):1192-202].

Rob’s interests in AIDS were indeed remarkably broad. He kept up with all t=
hings related to HIV prevention and treatment, including the behavioral, bi=
ological, cultural, social and psychological dimensions of the epidemic. He=
was well versed in the contextual antecedents, individual risk factors, ps=
ychological and social sequelae, medication adherence, and prevention inter=
ventions. He pushed the limit of what he could incorporate in behavioral in=
tervention studies, and had added molecular-genetic factors to his work in =
the last several years in order to contribute more to the field on moderato=
rs of treatment response. His work was based in the HIV/AIDS epicenter of M=
iami, and he had research projects in southern Africa, Trinidad, Haiti, and=
the Dominican Republic. Rob maintained a close and cohesive research team =
in Miami as well as a rich network of nationally recognized collaborators.

Rob was gregarious, likable and a positive spirit. His curiosity about the =
behavioral aspects of AIDS seemed insatiable. In an interview he was once a=
sked what was on his iPod and he replied “I usually listen to webcasts of c=
onferences on my IPod.” Rob personified the very mission of AIDS and Behavi=
or. When once asked to describe how he approached his work, Rob said, “My i=
nterest and intent has been to know everything I could about what works in =
the field of HIV/AIDS prevention, what may be at the frontier, and how othe=
r areas of research, such as obesity prevention, may be related to reducing=
transmission risk.”

Rob was born in 1953 in Long Island. He received his Bachelors Degree in Ps=
ychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1974. Rob atte=
nded graduate school at the University of Illinois at Chicago, earning his =
Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1977 and his PhD in Clinical Psych=
ology 1980. Rob was interested in health psychology from the start of his c=
areer. In graduate school Rob worked closely with Larry Grimm on pain perce=
ption, publishing papers on myofascial pain. After completing his clinical =
internship, Rob took his first position at the University of Illinois Colle=
ge of Dentistry. His expertise in pain research as a young clinical profess=
or rapidly led to intensive research and clinical work with substance using=
populations, and eventually in HIV prevention.

Rob joined the faculty at Tulane University School of Medicine in 1984 in t=
he Department of Psychiatry and Neurology. During this time Rob also served=
as the Program Manager of the Drug Dependence Treatment Program at the New=
Orleans VA Medical Center. Rob used to refer to his time at Tulane as his =
‘Hippie days’, and he carried his Tulane ID card to prove it. These were pr=
oductive years for Rob, publishing 18 papers between 1984 and 1992. Rob als=
o started working on AIDS while at Tulane, achieving the rank of Associate =
Professor. He moved to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences=
at the University of Miami School of Medicine in 1992, where he served as =
the Director of Research and Training of the Addiction Treatment Program at=
the University of Miami/Jackson Medical Center until 2002. He focused on H=
IV/AIDS research with inner city minority drug abusing high-risk population=
s. While at the University of Miami, Rob concentrated on NIH-funded project=
s with adolescent offenders, VA patients, seriously mentally ill adults, HI=
V positive patients, and pregnant women. His work also extended to Haiti an=
d the Caribbean where he translated evidence-based interventions for use wi=
th some the world’s most vulnerable populations. Rob moved to Florida Inter=
national University (FIU) in 2002 as a Professor at the Robert Stempel Coll=
ege of Public Health & Social Work and he was the Director of the AIDS Prev=
ention Program. He was recognized by FIU in September 2012 with a Faculty A=
ward for Excellence in Research. His research program remained focused on t=
he intersection of HIV infection and substance abuse and the National Insti=
tutes of Health funded his research seamlessly since 1990.

Rob championed the idea of open access publishing before most of us had eve=
r heard of it. He was cultivating electronic copies of articles and buildin=
g his ‘digital library’ long before it was common for journals to distribut=
e electronic copies of papers. Rob diligently scanned and archived articles=
on his hard-drive. In 1997 Rob started sharing his digital library with co=
lleagues by sending us what were often daily emails; alerting us to freshly=
published literature. This was the start of Malow’s HIV/AIDS ListServ. Sub=
scribers had access to Rob’s collection of current HIV literature and news =
highlighting “research at the frontier of the field.” The ListServ was Rob’=
s passion. He once described it as his “way of studying the field, reducing=
barriers to give-and-take in HIV/AIDS research, and actually, enhancing th=
e enjoyability of my day-to-day work.” In 2010 the CDC funded the ListServ,=
providing Rob with resources that allowed him to expand his reach. The Lis=
tServ grew into a free and searchable archive at a user-friendly website ww= Perhaps the most appreciated=
personal service ever provided to AIDS researchers, Malow’s ListServ reach=
ed as many as 15,000 people around the world. It became a critical source o=
f information for many of us. Rob’s tireless surveillance of the literature=
often made him aware of our articles being published even before the autho=
rs! The ListServ is so well recognized and appreciated, Rob was honored at =
the 2006 U.S. Conference on AIDS with an ‘Unsung Hero Award.’ The award cit=
ation reads:

Many know that for over 14 years Dr. Malow has been at the forefront of HIV=
/AIDS Prevention Research but what few people are aware of is that for the =
last 8 years he has spent at least 20 h per week keeping thousands of peopl=
e who work in the AIDS field updated on literature and information with his=
listserv. Dr. Malow is truly an unsung hero; his undiminished willingness =
to help everyone who requests information from him despite his many years o=
f doing this, deserves recognition. Almost daily, practitioners in the fiel=
d as well as national academic researchers and government officials request=
that Dr. Malow find references, full text articles, authors, and AIDS/HIV =
related data for them, which he does willingly on a pro bono basis. This pr=
epares people in the field to be better informed and thus administer their =
work more efficiently. Furthermore, he helps mentor students and junior fac=
ulty who come to him seeking guidance on grant applications and research pr=
ojects. All of this he does as a service to the field and above and beyond =
his responsibilities as a Professor and Director of the AIDS Prevention Pro=
gram at Florida International University.
Rob sent out his final ListServ notice in early February, just days before =
his death. He was also an enthusiastic disseminator of papers published in =
AIDS and Behavior as part of his ListServ. It is fair to say that Rob did m=
ore than anyone to increase the exposure of work published in AIDS and Beha=
vior. Rob had a vision for connecting people through a common research reso=
urce that would open access to HIV knowledge. It was that connection to us =
through his ListServ that seemed to energize him. Rob was a node in our net=
work that cannot be replaced. His love for this field will live on through =
all of those he touched, and he touched thousands of us.

Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies
Indiana University-Purdue University
CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Phone: 317.278.8454

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Very nice Editorial in AIDS=
and Behavior
on Rob Malow.

Robert M. Malow 1953–2013=

Seth C. Kalichman=
& Jessy G. D=E9vieux

text HTML
text PDF


Robert M. Malow 1953–2013

Seth C. Kalichman1&nb=
and Jessy G. D=E9vieux2 (1) University of Connecticut=
, Storrs-Mansfield, CT, USA (2)

Florida International University, Mi=
ami, FL, USA

Published online: 6 April =


AIDS behavioral scientists have lost=
a valued researcher and colleague. Rob Malow passed away on February 18, 2=
013 after battling a rare and aggressive cancer. Rob was
a frequent contributor to AIDS and Behavior and served on our Editorial Bo=
ard since 2003. Rob’s first paper published in AIDS and Behavior appe=
ared in 2000 with Robert McMahon and their student Terri Jennings titled &#=
8220;Personality, stress, and social support
in HIV risk prediction” [4(4):399–410]. Rob’s most recen=
t paper in the journal is “Depression, Substance Abuse and Other Cont=
extual Predictors of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Among Haitia=
ns” [published online Jan 22, 2013]. Two other recent papers
in the AIDS and Behavior speak to the breadth of his work, “Neurolog=
ical function, information-motivation-behavioral skills factors, and risk b=
ehaviors among HIV-positive alcohol users.” [2012 Nov;16(8):2297&#821=
1;308]; and “Cognitive behavioral HIV risk reduction
in those receiving psychiatric treatment: a clinical trial” [2012 Ju=


Rob’s interests in AIDS were i=
ndeed remarkably broad. He kept up with all things related to HIV preventio=
n and treatment, including the behavioral, biological, cultural,
social and psychological dimensions of the epidemic. He was well versed in=
the contextual antecedents, individual risk factors, psychological and soc=
ial sequelae, medication adherence, and prevention interventions. He pushed=
the limit of what he could incorporate
in behavioral intervention studies, and had added molecular-genetic factor=
s to his work in the last several years in order to contribute more to the =
field on moderators of treatment response. His work was based in the HIV/AI=
DS epicenter of Miami, and he had
research projects in southern Africa, Trinidad, Haiti, and the Dominican R=
epublic. Rob maintained a close and cohesive research team in Miami as well=
as a rich network of nationally recognized collaborators.


Rob was gregarious, likable and a po=
sitive spirit. His curiosity about the behavioral aspects of AIDS seemed in=
satiable. In an interview he was once asked what was on
his iPod and he replied “I usually listen to webcasts of conferences=
on my IPod.” Rob personified the very mission of AIDS and Behavior. =
When once asked to describe how he approached his work, Rob said, “My=
interest and intent has been to know everything I
could about what works in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention, what may be at=
the frontier, and how other areas of research, such as obesity prevention,=
may be related to reducing transmission risk.”


Rob was born in 1953 in Long Island.=
He received his Bachelors Degree in Psychology from the State University o=
f New York at Buffalo in 1974. Rob attended graduate school
at the University of Illinois at Chicago, earning his Masters Degree in Cl=
inical Psychology in 1977 and his PhD in Clinical Psychology 1980. Rob was =
interested in health psychology from the start of his career. In graduate s=
chool Rob worked closely with Larry
Grimm on pain perception, publishing papers on myofascial pain. After comp=
leting his clinical internship, Rob took his first position at the Universi=
ty of Illinois College of Dentistry. His expertise in pain research as a yo=
ung clinical professor rapidly led
to intensive research and clinical work with substance using populations, =
and eventually in HIV prevention.


Rob joined the faculty at Tulane Uni=
versity School of Medicine in 1984 in the Department of Psychiatry and Neur=
ology. During this time Rob also served as the Program Manager
of the Drug Dependence Treatment Program at the New Orleans VA Medical Cen=
ter. Rob used to refer to his time at Tulane as his ‘Hippie days&#821=
7;, and he carried his Tulane ID card to prove it. These were productive ye=
ars for Rob, publishing 18 papers between 1984
and 1992. Rob also started working on AIDS while at Tulane, achieving the =
rank of Associate Professor. He moved to the Department of Psychiatry and B=
ehavioral Sciences at the University of Miami School of Medicine in 1992, w=
here he served as the Director of
Research and Training of the Addiction Treatment Program at the University=
of Miami/Jackson Medical Center until 2002. He focused on HIV/AIDS researc=
h with inner city minority drug abusing high-risk populations. While at the=
University of Miami, Rob concentrated
on NIH-funded projects with adolescent offenders, VA patients, seriously m=
entally ill adults, HIV positive patients, and pregnant women. His work als=
o extended to Haiti and the Caribbean where he translated evidence-based in=
terventions for use with some the
world’s most vulnerable populations. Rob moved to Florida Internatio=
nal University (FIU) in 2002 as a Professor at the Robert Stempel College o=
f Public Health & Social Work and he was the Director of the AIDS Preve=
ntion Program. He was recognized by FIU in
September 2012 with a Faculty Award for Excellence in Research. His resear=
ch program remained focused on the intersection of HIV infection and substa=
nce abuse and the National Institutes of Health funded his research seamles=
sly since 1990.


Rob championed the idea of open acce=
ss publishing before most of us had ever heard of it. He was cultivating el=
ectronic copies of articles and building his ‘digital library’
long before it was common for journals to distribute electronic copies of =
papers. Rob diligently scanned and archived articles on his hard-drive. In =
1997 Rob started sharing his digital library with colleagues by sending us =
what were often daily emails; alerting
us to freshly published literature. This was the start of Malow’s HI=
V/AIDS ListServ. Subscribers had access to Rob’s collection of curren=
t HIV literature and news highlighting “research at the frontier of t=
he field.” The ListServ was Rob’s passion. He once
described it as his “way of studying the field, reducing barriers to=
give-and-take in HIV/AIDS research, and actually, enhancing the enjoyabili=
ty of my day-to-day work.” In 2010 the CDC funded the ListServ, provi=
ding Rob with resources that allowed him to
expand his reach. The ListServ grew into a free and searchable archive at =
a user-friendly website
. Perhaps the most appreciated personal service ever p=
rovided to AIDS researchers, Malow’s ListServ reached as many as 15,0=
00 people around the world. It became a critical
source of information for many of us. Rob’s tireless surveillance of=
the literature often made him aware of our articles being published even b=
efore the authors! The ListServ is so well recognized and appreciated, Rob =
was honored at the 2006 U.S. Conference
on AIDS with an ‘Unsung Hero Award.’ The award citation reads:=


Many know that for over 14 year=
s Dr. Malow has been at the forefront of HIV/AIDS Prevention Research but w=
hat few people are aware of is that for the last 8 years he has
spent at least 20 h per week keeping thousands of people who work in =
the AIDS field updated on literature and information with his listserv. Dr.=
Malow is truly an unsung hero; his undiminished willingness to help everyo=
ne who requests information from him
despite his many years of doing this, deserves recognition. Almost daily, =
practitioners in the field as well as national academic researchers and gov=
ernment officials request that Dr. Malow find references, full text article=
s, authors, and AIDS/HIV related
data for them, which he does willingly on a pro bono basis. This prepares =
people in the field to be better informed and thus administer their work mo=
re efficiently. Furthermore, he helps mentor students and junior faculty wh=
o come to him seeking guidance on
grant applications and research projects. All of this he does as a service=
to the field and above and beyond his responsibilities as a Professor and =
Director of the AIDS Prevention Program at Florida International University=

Rob sent out his final ListServ noti=
ce in early February, just days before his death. He was also an enthusiast=
ic disseminator of papers published in AIDS and Behavior
as part of his ListServ. It is fair to say that Rob did more than anyone t=
o increase the exposure of work published in AIDS and Behavior. Rob had a v=
ision for connecting people through a common research resource that would o=
pen access to HIV knowledge. It
was that connection to us through his ListServ that seemed to energize him=
. Rob was a node in our network that cannot be replaced. His love for this =
field will live on through all of those he touched, and he touched thousand=
s of us.



Carrie E. Foote, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies

Indiana University-Purdue University

CA 306b, 425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

Phone: 317.278.8454



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