FW: Community surveys on PrEP?

Hello SAN Colleagues, =
please see the below request…sounds like something us Sociologist typ=
es might do. Please email Jim directly if you have anything at  &=


From: rectalmi=
cro-bounces@lists.critpath.org [mailto:rectalmicro-bounces@lists.critpath.o=
On Behalf Of Jim Pickett
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 4:18 PM
Subject: [RectalMicro IRMA] Community surveys on PrEP?


Hi there


Are there any IRMA members out there who have conduc=
ted community surveys on PrEP – Knowledge/Attitudes/Behaviors?


If so, I would be very appreciative if you could sha=
re any templates you have used. Our city health dept here in Chicago is int=
erested in conducting a PrEP survey with individuals who are accessing serv=
ices at our STD clinics , and I’d
love to help them out.


If you have anything that you think might be helpful=
, please send it along to me directly at
jpickett@aidschicago.org rather than the entire list.


Thanks mucho much!




PS – they would also be interested in any surv=
ey questions/tools on PrEP geared to providers.

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