RE: SAN Luncheon Invite for NYC August 12 Reminder

Dear Colleagues, thanks t=
o Naima and Sam for planning this luncheon in NYC around the summer meeting=
s!  And thanks to everyone who has already completed the
doodle invite!!   Just a friendly reminder, for those attending =
the summer meetings, to please complete the doodle request=85you will have =
three options for the different time slots –  Yes, No, and If Need Be.=
   Best, CF


From: Foote, C=
arrie Elizabeth

Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 5:26 PM
Subject: SAN Luncheon Invite for NYC =96 August 12
Importance: High


Hello SAN Colleagues=


I hope many of you plan to attend the summer conferences this summe=
r as we are planning an exciting event! 
My name is Naima Mohame=
d, a new member to SAN but much longer member of ASA. I am working with Sam=
Friedman, Director of HIV/AIDS Research at NDRI, on planning a SAN-communi=
ty discussion meeting in NYC for August
12, 2013.


We are =
planning an informal meeting to network with community guests and SAN membe=
rs on current challenges we all face during the continuing economic crisis.=
  Lunch will be provided!!


ible Luncheon Themes


How can=
we help each other within the economic chaos: What should we be doing? Or,=
how will we address HIV/AIDS within an environment of economic and ecologi=
cal government instability? 

Date and Location:


August 12, 2013 between 12-2 p.m. NDRI (National Development and Research =
Institute) 23
rd and
th Ave. (Only a 15-20 minute walk or 5 minute trai=
n ride from the meeting areas in NYC).

Possible Community Guests:


HIV Prevention Justice Alliance; Harm Reducti=
on Coalition; Latino Commission on AIDS; GMAC; National Development and Res=
earch Institutes; and NYC Department of
Health.  Please do suggest other community folks whom we may have ove=
rlooked as possible community guests to include.


We woul=
d love to have many SAN members come, from the veteran HIV researchers to t=
hose of you just embarking on your graduate studies and interested in pursu=
ing research in the HIV/AIDS arena,
and the bulk of us in the middle! 


You =
are invited:


We have=
set up a doodle invite/request.  Sam and I would like to get an unoff=
icial headcount by June 20

so we can plan better.  Please provide your availability using the fo=
llowing link:




I look forward to meeting many of you at the meetings this summer a=
nd hope you can join the luncheon.


Warm wishes,


Naima M=


Chair o=
f the Social Science Department at The College of New Rochelle, School of N=
ew Resources–Brooklyn Campus

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